They didn't take questions but repeated some of the claims they made against Clinton years ago.Clinton says a proposal like Donald Trump's to ban all Muslims from entering the country plays into the hands of terrorists.Hillary Clinton is asserting that "bullying is up" among young people because of what she calls "the Trump effect.Hillary Clinton is saying it's OK to have a public and private position on an issue because Abraham Lincoln did.Trump did not, at first use, the opening question about setting an example for children to apologize for the vulgar comments he made about women in 2005 that were taped and recently released. invaded. She also says Trump has alienated the country's Muslim allies."

She says Lincoln did whatever he could to get the 13th Amendment passed, allowing emancipation of the slaves, by lawmakers who did not support African-American equality." He is also complaining that the two debate moderators are not sufficiently pressing Clinton on the email issue.The Republican nominee is noticeably inhaling deeply through his nose in the early part of the debate."She says that while Trump has claimed the tape doesn't represent who he is, "It's clear to anyone who heard it, it represents exactly who he is. She is accusing Trump of inciting violence and running a campaign based on insults. It's not clear how much time he spent preparing for one of the trickiest elements - knowing where the camera is at all times.Trump says the system is a "disaster" and "will never work.As Clinton tried to address why she didn't try to change tax laws when she was a New York senator, Trump tried to butt in.Hillary Clinton occasionally China Cleanroom Air Showers Suppliers smiles, sometimes jots notes and frequently sits to listen as Donald Trump talks."

Asked how she would fight the Islamic State in a different way than President Barack Obama, Clinton says she's hopeful that IS will be pushed out of Iraq by the time she's president."10:10 pmHillary Clinton is promising that no one making less than $250,000 will pay higher taxes under her plan, but those with higher incomes could pay considerably more.The Latest on the second presidential debate between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump (all times EDT):10:12 pmDonald Trump is repeatedly interrupting Clinton, while she is largely avoiding barging in as he speaks.m. I was gone.9:25 p.Hillary Clinton says the Donald Trump heard on an 11-year-old recording making crude and vulgar remarks about women "is who Donald Trump is."Clinton addressed Trump's predatory comments in the opening minutes of the second presidential debate Sunday.S.He says he has never kissed or groped women without consent." But she is evoking the image of a bloodied 4-year-old Syrian boy to argue the United States needs to do its share."She says Trump's proposed tax plan would end up raising taxes on millions of middle-class Americans.

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