Valve, the company behind the famous Half Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal, Team Fortress and other video game series, and pioneer of digital game distribution through its platform Steam, has now initiated China PCGI Sandwich Panel Manufacturers its plan to storm the living room. all in your living room via SteamOS. Steam Machines will complement the main PC, acting for the most part as client devices. The two trackpads will house electromagnets that will provide haptic feedback, and the touchscreen can be used to provide custom buttons depending on the game. They’re playing a 5-year game at the very least, when the next generation consoles would have fallen quite a bit behind the PCs of the time.Valve aims to change that. Each configuration will be designed to fit a certain purpose, be it cost, performance, form factor or acoustics.

So these Steam Machines will occupy space next to your TV, connect to it, and allow you to play games, play music, etc. MS hasn’t cooperated with Valve in the past either on certain things, and it’s no secret that the amount of attention Redmond gives to PC gaming is on the left side of zero. The point of using the trackpads is to provide finer control and an experience closer to a mouse and keyboard. Triggers and bumpers remain where you’d expect, but the four ABXY buttons surround the touchscreen. This controller can be used with all Steam-enabled PCs, regardless of the operating system or manufacturer.Do they plan to replace consoles Eventually, perhaps, but 2014 is too early for that. “Steam Machines” will essentially be PCs designed to be used in the living room, running on SteamOS.Valve’s plans have two components: The Steam Machines and the Steam Controller.. You could argue that the next gen consoles are PCs, but they still follow the console business model.So why is Valve pushing SteamOS and Steam Machines Well, mostly to annoy Sony and Microsoft

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